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Exclusive Edition: Ginger Jun-Kombucha

Exclusive Edition: Ginger Jun-Kombucha

Regular price £18.00
Regular price Sale price £18.00
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Shhhh... Welcome to our lab.

SOLD OUT! But fear not, we're working on a new exclusive edition flavour that we think will be perfect Spring drink. Stay tuned, we'll be announcing it in early April.

Our exclusive flavour is GINGER. Using real ginger root - no flavourings, extracts or chemicals. Perfect way to start your day or when you need a pick me up.

What is an exclusive flavour you might ask? Well, throughout the year we constantly experiment with new flavours. Most of our experiments never see the light of day, but a few are released as special editions (Juni-Purr and Courage to name two) for everyone to buy, and every now and again we brew drinks purely for our own consumption and for our lovely subscribers. We call these our exclusive flavours.

This year, as our way of saying thank you, we've decided that when we brew one of our exclusive flavours we would also offer it to our top 50 customers at that moment in time (the top 50 list does change). And guess what? If you're visiting this page then that's you!

The only way you can access these flavours is if you have received a link in an email from us.

If you're a subscriber of our 24 can box, then you don't have to do anything, you will automatically receive two cans of our exclusive flavour in your next subscription box (so don't skip it), but if you're not a subscriber then this is your chance. If you subscribe to our 12 can box, then just drop us an email and we will happily replace a couple of the cans with the exclusive flavour.

If you don't want to buy 6 or 12 cans of the exclusive flavour then you can buy a mixed box of our normal flavours but in the note (special instructions) section of your order mention you received the link and would like us to include cans in your order (just say how many cans you want and we will include) - or just email us the details and let us know.

And, delivery is included in the price.

We must stress, we brew these exclusive flavours in extremely limited batches (as few as 200 cans) - so once they're gone, they're gone. And the labels on these cans are made by ourselves on our black and white printer - we have no intention of ever releasing them for general sale, so we don't go to the expense of making up official labels. We also brew these flavours on an ad hoc basis, we might do one next month, but equally it might be 6 months before we do another one, and we rarely repeat flavours. And discount codes cannot be used.

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